魔鏡歌詞網 > 歐美歌手 > Deconstructing Sequence
Deconstructing Sequence【 共收藏 11 首歌 】
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  歌名 作詞 作曲 日期
1 Dark Matter      
2 Departure of the Stellar Fleet Marks the Year One      
3 Enmazed in White Heavenly Stronghold of the Cyberangel      
4 Heading to the Virgo Constellation      
5 Lifeforce Awakens      
6 Luminous (In the Process of Merging)      
7 Memories of the Sun, Memories of the Earth      
8 My Way Through the Stars      
9 Rediscovered Beauty of the Internal Evil      
10 Supernova (The Battle for Matter Begins)      
11 V4641 Sgr